Decoding the Reverie Arc of One Piece: Should You Dive into the Filler or Skip?

One Piece, the long-running anime series, has a reputation for its extensive story arcs, each filled with high-stakes battles, emotional narratives, and world-building elements. One such arc is the Reverie Arc, a relatively short but significant part of the series. However, there’s been a debate among fans about whether to watch this arc or skip it, as it’s often labeled as ‘filler’. This article aims to decode the Reverie Arc and help you decide whether to dive into it or not.

Understanding the Reverie Arc

The Reverie Arc is the 31st story arc in the series, serving as a link between the Whole Cake Island Arc and the Wano Country Arc. It’s a meeting of leaders from across the world, discussing global affairs and making decisions that could impact the entire One Piece world. While it’s short, it’s packed with important information and character development.

Is the Reverie Arc Filler?

Contrary to popular belief, the Reverie Arc is not a filler. Filler episodes are those not based on the original manga and are typically used to give the manga time to get ahead. However, the Reverie Arc is based on the manga, making it canon. The confusion likely arises from its placement in the series and its lack of the usual action-packed sequences.

Should You Watch the Reverie Arc?

Whether you should watch the Reverie Arc depends on your interest in the One Piece world. If you’re invested in the overarching plot and want to understand the political dynamics of the world, then you should definitely watch it. It provides crucial backstory and sets up future events. However, if you’re more interested in the action sequences and less in the world-building aspects, you might find it less engaging.

Key Episodes in the Reverie Arc

If you decide to watch the Reverie Arc but want to focus on the most important episodes, here are a few to consider:

  • Episode 878: This episode introduces the Reverie Arc and sets the stage for the meeting.
  • Episode 883: This episode reveals important information about the world’s history.
  • Episode 887: This episode contains significant character development and backstory.
  • Episode 889: This episode concludes the arc and sets up the next arc.

In conclusion, the Reverie Arc of One Piece is a significant part of the series that provides important information about the world and its characters. While it may not be as action-packed as other arcs, it’s worth watching if you’re invested in the overall story. However, if you’re more interested in the action sequences, you might want to focus on the key episodes or consider skipping it.